AI and the new sustainability standards: help or hindrance?

FW writer Tamara O’Brien digests the issues from Claire’s recent webinar on the uses and abuses of AI in sustainability reporting. Corey Walrod, from the ISSB’s technical staff, gave the inside track on the new IFRS sustainability standards;  Diana Rose, ESG Research Director at Insig AI, explained the pros and cons of common types of AI and how corporate reporters should approach them; while Adrian Clark of Royal Bank of Canada explored the uses and limitations of AI in making judgement calls about potential investments.

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The truth about living in ‘interesting times’

Claire writes: “I spent last week at a writing retreat in the company of Dark Angels. We were all struck by the wisdom and thoughtfulness of this piece about how to confront the climate emergency, written by philosopher and writer (and fellow Dark Angel) Johnny Lyons. Johnny kindly agreed to allow us to publish his piece, which forms part of his next book on politics, as the FW blog this month. Thank you Johnny.”

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